Ultrasonic Ceramic Linear Motor Actuators / Rotary Stages

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PILine® Ultrasonic Piezo Ceramic Motors can provide rapid acceleration and very high speed. They are are based on a patented ceramic drive developed by PI. At the heart of each motor / actuator is a rectangular piezo ceramic plate (the stator), segmented by two electrodes. Depending on the desired direction of motion, the left or right electrode of the piezoceramic plate is excited to produce high-frequency eigenmode oscillations to hundreds of kilohertz (ultra-sonic).
A motion transfer tip (pusher) attached to the plate moves along an inclined linear path at the eigenmode frequency and couples nanometric movements at high frequency into a ceramic runner (rod).
This princople also works for circular runners in rotary actuators.

These ceramic motors provide lower resolution (to 50 nanometers) and lower forces (to 10 N) than PiezoWalk® type ceramic motors, but much higher velocities (to 500 mm/sec). They are very stable and self-clamping at rest with no heat generation or servo dither.

U-521 / M-663 Ultrasonic Linear Motor, Closed-Loop, Compact Design

P-663 Ultrasonic Motor Linear Table
  • Patented Ultrasonic Piezo Linear Motor, Fast, Precise and Self Locking at Rest Max. Velocity 250 mm/second, Rapid Acceleration
  • Smallest Translation Table with Closed-Loop Linear Motor and Encoder
  • 18 mm Positioning range
  • 0.1 µm Closed-Loop Resolution with Direct Metrology Linear Encoder
  • Vacuum-Compatible Versions Available
  • Very Compact XY Combinations

This small, closed-loop micropositioning table is driven by a very compact ultrasonic motor providing high velocity to 200 mm/second and resolution of 0.1 microns. An integrated linear encoder guarantees high precision and repeatability.

Ultrasonic Motor / Actuator Overview

M-660 / U-651 Ultrasonic Rotary Motor Stage

  • Patented Ultrasonic Piezo Motor, Fast, Precise and Self Locking at Rest
  • 360 degrees Positioning range, 4µrad Resolution, 540 deg/second
  • 14 mm Ultra-Low Profile
  • Direct Metrology Encoder

This compact ultasonic rotary stage provides an extremely low profile of only 14mm. An integrated direct metrology encoder guarantees high resolution of 4µrad and high repeatability.

Ultrasonic Rotary Motor Stage Specs, Drawings, Part numbers M660 rotary piezo motor stage

High Force Ceramic Actuators     Linear Tables     Motorized Linear Actuators    Flexure-Guided Actuators    
Piezo Actuators     Vacuum Actuators & Custom Actuators     Controllers for Linear Actuators